
To keep track of the score, we'll start by creating a new variable and start it at zero. This is a global variable so make sure to put it outside of the update() and draw() functions.

score = 0

We want our score to increase by 1 every second. Since update() runs 60 times per second, we'll add 1 / 60 of a point to the score each time update() runs.

score += 1 / 60

...and don't forget to declare score as a global.

global score

Display the score

To display the score, we will use the screen.draw.text() function.

screen.draw.text('Score: ' + str(round(score)), (15,10), color=(255,255,255), fontsize=30)

The parameters are...

'Score: ' + str(round(score)) : This is the string that we want to draw. We round it off as we want to display a whole number.

(15,10) : This is the position to draw; x=15 and y=10.

color=(255,255,255) : This is the color of the text, in this case, it is white

fontsize=30 : The size of the font.

Like all the other drawing functions, we'll need to put this inside the draw() function.

We'll also need to draw the score when the game is over; it'll be the same as the above, but in a different x and y position.

Stopping Controls

When the game is over, we want to stop the players and animals from moving. As before, we can do this easily by calling the return function inside update()

if game_over:

Put this near the top of the update() function. If will immediate end the update() function and skip all the code below it if game_over is True.

At this point...

Right now your code should look like this (new lines are highlighted in yellow)...

import pgzrun
import random

WIDTH = 800
HEIGHT = 600

game_over = False
score = 0

background = Actor('water')

player = Actor('p1_front')
player.x = 400
player.y = 300

enemies = []

def update():
    global score, game_over

    if game_over:

    score += 1 / 60

    if keyboard.up:
        player.y -= 5
    if keyboard.down:
        player.y += 5
    if keyboard.left:
        player.x -= 5
    if keyboard.right:
        player.x += 5

    if random.randint(0, 60) == 0:
        side = random.randint(1, 4)
        enemy = Actor('worm.png')

        if side == 1:
            enemy.y = random.randint(0, 600)
            enemy.x = 850
            enemy.angle = 0
        elif side == 2:
            enemy.y = random.randint(0, 600)
            enemy.x = -50
            enemy.angle = 180
        elif side == 3:
            enemy.y = 650
            enemy.x = random.randint(0, 800)
            enemy.angle = 270
        elif side == 4:
            enemy.y = -50
            enemy.x = random.randint(0, 800)
            enemy.angle = 90


    for enemy in enemies:
        if enemy.angle == 0:
            enemy.x -= 3
        elif enemy.angle == 180:
            enemy.x += 3
        elif enemy.angle == 270:
            enemy.y -= 3
        elif enemy.angle == 90:
            enemy.y += 3

        if enemy.x < -50 or enemy.x > 850 or enemy.y < -50 or enemy.y > 650:

    if player.collidelist(enemies) != -1:
        game_over = True

def draw():
    if game_over:
        screen.draw.text('Game Over', (350,270), color=(255,255,255), fontsize=30)
        screen.draw.text('Score: ' + str(round(score)), (350,330), color=(255,255,255), fontsize=30)
        for enemy in enemies:
        screen.draw.text('Score: ' + str(round(score)), (15,10), color=(255,255,255), fontsize=30)


You should now see the score increase every second.