Adding a Gem

The game won't be called "Gem Catcher" without a gem! We can add in a gem the same way we added the spaceship.

First, add a gem image to the images folder. I'm using this one...

Next, add a new gem Actor...

gem = Actor('gemgreen')
gem.x = 350
gem.y = 0

Setting x to 350 will place it roughly in the middle horizontally, while setting y to 0 will place it at the top. Don't forget to also draw the gem in the draw() function.


Your program should now look like this...

import pgzrun

WIDTH = 800
HEIGHT = 600

ship = Actor('playership1_blue')
ship.x = 370
ship.y = 550

gem = Actor('gemgreen')
gem.x = 350
gem.y = 0

def update():
    if keyboard.left:
        ship.x = ship.x - 5
    if keyboard.right:
        ship.x = ship.x + 5

def draw():

pgzrun.go() # Must be last line

Moving the Gem

Previously, we have written code in the update() function to make the ship move by changing its x position when the left or right key is pressed. For the gem, we'll make it move continuously downwards by changing the y position.

gem.y = gem.y + 4

We also want the gem to return to the top when it reaches the bottom. To do that, we'll set the y position to 0 (top), when it exceeds 600 (bottom most position).

if gem.y > 600:
    gem.y = 0

Add that into your program!

import pgzrun

WIDTH = 800
HEIGHT = 600

ship = Actor('playership1_blue')
ship.x = 370
ship.y = 550

gem = Actor('gemgreen')
gem.x = 350
gem.y = 0

def update():
    if keyboard.left:
        ship.x = ship.x - 5
    if keyboard.right:
        ship.x = ship.x + 5

    gem.y = gem.y + 4
    if gem.y > 600:
        gem.y = 0

def draw():

pgzrun.go() # Must be last line