Grab the Coin

Grab the Coin is a simple game based on a MakeCode Arcade tutorial, but we'll be making our own version in Python. You can see a video of the MakeCode Arcade version here...

Using Python and Pygame Zero allows us to have better graphics and sound, but the gameplay will remain the same.

In this game, the player must grab as many coins as possible before the time runs out. It's a very simple game, but after the game is completed, we will have some optional challenges that you can try out to make it more interesting.

New Project

To keep our files organized, we'll need to create a new folder for the new game.


1) Open up file explorer

2) Navigate to your flash drive or network drive, right click, and create a new folder.

3) Name the new folder (...for this project, I recommend grab)

Images and Sounds

Within this new folder, we will need to create two more folders; images and sounds.

Your final folder structure should look like this...

\_ images
\_ sounds

We will put our Python game file in the grab folder, our images in the images folder, and all music and sound effects in the sounds folder.


Look for this icon on your desktop. If it's not on your desktop, click the search icon on your taskbar (...looks like a magnifying glass) and search for idle.

This should open up the IDLE window that looks like this...

Click on File and New File. This will open a blank window for you to write Python code!


Click on Save and select the folder you have created earlier. Give your programe a file name (...I suggest and click Ok.