Ending the Game

We'll know that the time is up when timer is less than or equal to zero. When that happens, we'll need to do two things...

  1. Display the words "Game Over" and "Your score is XXX".
  2. Stop the player from moving.

1) Display "Game Over"

In draw(), we'll check if timer is less than or equal to zero. If it is, we'll clear the screen and draw the game over message. If it is not, we'll draw everything else.

def draw():
    if timer <= 0:
        screen.draw.text('Game Over', (350,270), color=(255,255,255), fontsize=30)
        screen.draw.text('Score: ' + str(score), (350,330), color=(255,255,255), fontsize=30)
        screen.draw.text('Score: ' + str(score), (15,10), color=(255,255,255), fontsize=30)
        screen.draw.text('Time: ' + str(round(timer, 2)), (330,10), color=(255,255,255), fontsize=30)

2) Stop player movement

To stop the player movement, we can simply skip all the code in the update() function. When inside a function, we can immediately end the function and skip all the remaining lines by using the return command.

We'll check if timer is less than or equal to zero. If it is, we'll run the return command and skip everything else.

if timer <= 0:

At this point...

Right now your code should look like this (new lines are highlighted in yellow)...

import pgzrun
import random

WIDTH = 800
HEIGHT = 600

background = Actor('grass')

player = Actor('p3_front')
player.x = 400
player.y = 300

coin = Actor('coingold')
coin.x = random.randint(0, 800)
coin.y = random.randint(0, 600)

score = 0
timer = 10

def update():
    global score
    global timer

    if timer <= 0:

    timer -= 1 / 60

    if keyboard.up:
        player.y -= 5
    if keyboard.down:
        player.y += 5
    if keyboard.left:
        player.x -= 5
    if keyboard.right:
        player.x += 5

    if player.colliderect(coin):
        coin.x = random.randint(0, 800)
        coin.y = random.randint(0, 600)
        score += 1

def draw():
    if timer <= 0:
        screen.draw.text('Game Over', (350,270), color=(255,255,255), fontsize=30)
        screen.draw.text('Score: ' + str(score), (350,330), color=(255,255,255), fontsize=30)
        screen.draw.text('Score: ' + str(score), (15,10), color=(255,255,255), fontsize=30)
        screen.draw.text('Time: ' + str(round(timer, 2)), (330,10), color=(255,255,255), fontsize=30)

pgzrun.go() # Must be last line