Python Docs - pin

pin - control GPIO pins

The pin object is meant to be easy to use. It does not provide all the capabilities available in micropython, but covers most use cases.

If you need more capabilities, you can use the Pin class provided by micropython

Usage Model:

from ioty import pin

# Set mode of pin 0 to input with pull-up
pin.set_pin_mode(0, pin.PULL_UP)

# Print the value of pin 0

# Set pin 2 to 1 (HIGH)
pin.digital_write(2, 1)

# Print the analog value of pin 32 (0 to 65535)

# Print the touch value of pin 4 (0 to ~1000)

# Set the PWM frequency for pin 13
pin.set_analog_write_freq(13, 1000)

# Write the PWM value of 512 (around 50%) to pin 13
pin.analog_write(13, 512)

# Set the servo connected to pin 17 to 90 degrees
pin.servo_write_deg(17, 90)

# Print the distance measure by an ultrasonic sensor on pin 12 and 14
print(pin.hc_sr04_ping_cm(12, 14))



Use the pin object directly.


pin.set_pin_mode(pin, mode)

This method allows you to set the pin mode. The mode is set automatically when reading or writing to a pin, so this method isn't always required. Automatic setting of mode will not use pull-ups, so pull-up should be set using this method if required.

The arguments are:

  • pin An integer number specifying the pin number.

  • mode The pin mode, which can be one of the following:

    • pin.OUT Set the pin to output mode.

    • pin.IN Set the pin to input mode without pull-up resistor.

    • pin.PULL_UP Set pin to input mode with pull-up resistor.

Returns None.


This method gets the value from the pin.

The arguments are:

  • pin An integer number specifying the pin number.

Returns either an integer 1 (HIGH) or 0 (LOW).

pin.digital_write(pin, value)

This method sets the value of the pin.

The arguments are:

  • pin An integer number specifying the pin number.

  • value An integer 1 (HIGH) or 0 (LOW).

Returns None.


This method gets an analog value from the pin.

The arguments are:

  • pin An integer number specifying the pin number.

Returns an integer ranging from 0 to 65535.


This method gets a capacitive touch value from the pin.

The arguments are:

  • pin An integer number specifying the pin number.

Returns an integer ranging from 0 to around 1000.

pin.set_analog_write_freq(pin, freq)

This method sets the frequency for PWM output.

The arguments are:

  • pin An integer number specifying the pin number.

  • freq An integer ranging from 1 to 40000000 representing the frequency in Hz.

Returns None.

pin.analog_write(pin, value)

This method sets the value of the pin.

The arguments are:

  • pin An integer number specifying the pin number.

  • value An integer ranging from 0 (0%) to 1023 (100%) representing the PWM duty cycle.

Returns None.

pin.servo_write_deg(pin, deg)

This method sets a PWM signal on the specified pin suitable for controlling an RC servo. The output PWM width will range from 500us (0 deg) to 2500us (180 deg).

The arguments are:

  • pin An integer number specifying the pin number.

  • deg An number (int/float) ranging from 0 to 180 representing the angle in degrees.

Returns None.

pin.servo_write_us(pin, us)

This method sets a PWM signal on the specified pin suitable for controlling an RC servo.

The arguments are:

  • pin An integer number specifying the pin number.

  • us An number (int/float) representing the pulse width in microseconds.

Returns None.

pin.hc_sr04_ping_cm(trig, echo, timeout=400023)

This method triggers a measurement on the ultrasonic distance sensor, and returns the measured distance in centimeters (cm).

The arguments are:

  • trig An integer number specifying the pin connected to the TRIG of the ultrasonic. This must be an output capable pin.

  • echo An integer number specifying the pin connected to the ECHO of the ultrasonic.

  • timeout An integer representing the duration in microseconds to wait for the echo.

Returns -1 on timeout, else it will return a float representing the measured distance in centimeters (cm).

pin.hc_sr04_ping_us(trig, echo, timeout=400023)

This method triggers a measurement on the ultrasonic distance sensor, and returns the measured distance in microseconds (us).

The arguments are:

  • trig An integer number specifying the pin connected to the TRIG of the ultrasonic. This must be an output capable pin.

  • echo An integer number specifying the pin connected to the ECHO of the ultrasonic.

  • timeout An integer representing the duration in microseconds to wait for the echo.

Returns -1 on timeout, else it will return a integer representing the time for the echo to return in microseconds (us).