
From left: No Tweening, Linear Tween, In-Out Quadratic Tween

It is often undesirable to start and stop something instantly. For example, when moving a servo arm, you might want it to start slow, gradually speed up, then slow down when it approaches its destination.

With this extension, you can provide the start, stop, and duration (or speed), and it will generate the intermediate steps for you with the appropriate easing function.


The tween extension doesn't require any hardware, but it'll be hard to demonstrate how it works without an output device. For the example code, we'll be using a servo to demonstrate tweening.


This code will change the angle for servo on pin 13, from 0 to 180 degrees and back using a linear tween.

We use milliseconds in the code, but you can use seconds too if you prefer that. Do note that in micropython, time.time() has a 1 second resolution, so the movement will be jerky. You can work around this by using time.ticks_ms() / 1000 to get a floating point value for the time in seconds.



import tween
import time
from ioty import pin

while True:
    tween.start(0, tween.LINEAR, 0, 180, time.ticks_ms(), duration=5000)
    while not tween.is_ended(0, time.ticks_ms()):
        pin.servo_write_deg(13, tween.get(0, time.ticks_ms()))
    tween.start(0, tween.LINEAR, 180, 0, time.ticks_ms(), duration=5000)
    while not tween.is_ended(0, time.ticks_ms()):
        pin.servo_write_deg(13, tween.get(0, time.ticks_ms()))


You should see the servo turn gradually from 0 to 180 degrees over 5 seconds, then turn back to 0 over the same duration.

tween - tweening extension



Use the functions provided by tween.


tween.start(id, type, y0, y1, x0, duration=0, speed=1)

Starts a tween.

The arguments are:

  • id Any value (eg. integer, string, float). You can think of this as a name to identify the tween.

  • type The easing type (see for the tween, which can be one of the following:

    • tween.LINEAR Changes the output linearly.

    • tween.IN_QUAD Gradually speed up, but stops abruptly.

    • tween.OUT_QUAD Starts abruptly, but gradually slow down.

    • tween.IN_OUT_QUAD Gradually speed up and slow down.

    • tween.IN_CUBIC Same as IN_QUAD, but with a more distinct change in speed.

    • tween.OUT_CUBIC Same as OUT_QUAD, but with a more distinct change in speed.

    • tween.IN_OUT_CUBIC Same as IN_OUT_QUAD, but with a more distinct change in speed.

    • tween.OUT_ELASTIC Overshoots the end, then gradually settle down.

    • tween.OUT_BOUNCE Bounce when it hits the end.

  • y0 A number. Starting output value.

  • y1 A number. Ending output value.

  • x0 A number. Starting input value. This is usually the time.

  • duration A number representing the tween duration. In the same unit as whatever you use for x0.

  • speed A number representing the speed. In the same unit as whatever you use for x0. This is only used if duration is 0.

Returns None.


Removed the specified tween.

The arguments are:

  • id Any value (eg. integer, string, float). This should be the same value used when creating the tween.

Returns None.

tween.is_ended(id, x)

Check if the tween is ended at the given x value.

The arguments are:

  • id Any value (eg. integer, string, float). This should be the same value used when creating the tween.

  • x A number representing the current x value. This is usually the time.

Returns a Boolean. True if the tween is ended, else False.

tween.get(id, x)

Get the y value for the given x.

The arguments are:

  • id Any value (eg. integer, string, float). This should be the same value used when creating the tween.

  • x A number representing the current x value. This is usually the time.

Returns a float representing the current y value.