Ultrasonic Distance (HC-SR04)

The HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Distance Sensor works by sending a pulse of sound and measuring how long it takes for the echo to return.

Features of this sensor includes...


Pin Purpose
VCC Provides the ultrasonic with power. Connect to VIN on the ESP32.
GND Provides the ultrasonic with power. Connect to GND on the ESP32.
TRIG Triggers the start of a distance measurement. Connect to any output capable pin.
ECHO Provides the return signal for distance measurement. Connect to any IO pin.


In this example, we are using Pin 12 for TRIG and Pin 14 for ECHO. If you use different pins, change your code accordingly.


This code will change the servo angle from 0 to 180 degrees and back.



import time
from ioty import pin

while True:
    print(pin.hc_sr04_ping_cm(12, 14))


You should see a distance in cm printed in the monitor. If you place an object in front of the ultrasonic, you should see the distance change.